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90 Sippy Downs Drive
Sippy Downs, QLD, 4556


We exist as a representative body for the University of the Sunshine Coast student paramedic program. We are here to help the cohort navigate the awkward acronyms, the complex systematic approaches and to give a boost to your academic journey.

SCUPA membership 2024/2025

Memberships 2024-2025

SCUPA membership 2024/2025


SCUPA membership 2024/2025


Our memberships are back and better than ever! Enjoy exclusive and discounted access to our social events and CPD activities, along with a range of exciting new benefits. With our enhanced memberships, you’ll now have the opportunity to participate in peer-led, after-hours lab sessions, maximising your hands-on experience. Plus, we’re soon introducing the ability to book extra practice time with our top-tier equipment.

This year, our memberships are valid until 31st of December 2025 @11:59pm. While they are typically an annual purchase, we’ve extended this duration to make up for recent adjustments. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your skills and connect with our community—join us today!

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